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Aug 12, 2020

Hacker and course developer Rastamouse discusses his origins and journey in the information security industry.

Jul 1, 2020

Hacker tool developer Marcello Salvati AKA @byt3bl33d3r returns to talk about red team infrastructure, hosting a remote conference, and exclusive updates on his popular tools

Jun 2, 2020

In this episode of Coalcast, Offensive Security (Offsec) hackers @g0tmi1k and @_elwood_ talk about their journeys as hackers and the secrets within Offsec.


Apr 21, 2020

Two ethical hackers @CoalfireLabs discuss the coronavirus pandemic through an infosec lens. Featuring Marc Rogers of the COVID-19 CTI League, helping to stop hackers from exploiting the Coronavirus Pandemic. 

Mar 30, 2020

Healthcare topics that DON'T include COVID-19: Hospital ransomware, hacking pacemakers, and much more in this episode of CoalCast w/ Kia Sanders!